The Adventist work in Trinidad is divided into ministries that focus on specific areas. They are arranged to promote and guide specific areas of the Church’s activities. Our local ministries also provide resources, training, and support for local churches and other Adventist entities in Trinidad.

St. Hugh Henry

ADRA Country Director

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian agency operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to provide individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA is headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, and is the global humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

To create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.

Visit ADRA Trinidad Website

Ruslyn Baptiste-Farfan

Children's Ministries

The Ministry seeks to nurture children into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus. Strategies include training volunteers, children evangelism, and providing resources for children’s ministries activities such as Vacation Bible Schools, children’s Branch Sabbath Schools etc, within the local churches.

To nurture children into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus.

Children's Ministries Online

Women's Ministries

The Women’s Ministries department is a place to address the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of women in the church. Women’s Ministries encourages women to improve their potential for participation in the mission of the church while providing a support system for hurting women

To share the knowledge of Jesus with women, focused on discipleship and service

Women's Ministries Online

Eddison Williams


The Office of Communication's primary purpose is to effectively communicate news and information to members and the community. Communication concentrates on creating a positive reputation for the Adventist Church among non-members and creating a positive reputation for the local conference among members.

To convey the church’s message of hope to members and the wider community and sharing of the message of Jesus through all available avenues.

Communications Department Page


Stewardship is the lifestyle of one who accepts Christ’s lordship. More specifically, the purpose of the Department of Stewardship is to aid in the integration of the faith walk with God into every area of life individually and corporately. A key goal is to share and provide resources for God's principles for handling money.

Planned Giving & Trust Services

Planned Giving and Trust Services is a unique mission of the Adventist Church. These are specialized services at every level of the church whereby individuals and families may give their continuing support to God’s work through trusts, annuities, wills, and other special gifts.

To promote financial faithfulness to God.

Personal Ministries and Community Services

Nigel Walcott

Community Services

The Community Services Department is the humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that works within our island. We work to meet people's immediate needs when affected by natural disasters or circumstances of life. Our social services include health outreach services and disaster response. In the past, we have provided homes for senior citizens and abused children.

To build a trusting relationship between the Church and the community through assistance to persons in need.

Community Services Webpage

Personal Ministries

The department seeks to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. This department works closely with the other departments to assist in their evangelistic efforts. Activities include promoting Bible studies, outreach programs and other personal evangelism strategies.

The Personal Ministries Department's primary focus is evangelism. Its goal is to help prepare men and women for the kingdom of glory.

Personal Ministries Webpage

Jessica Cunningham


Education Ministries embraces the philosophy that education should be redemptive, to restore human beings to the image of God, our Creator. Mental, physical, social, and spiritual health, intellectual growth, and service to humanity are essential aspects of the Adventist education philosophy.

Provide opportunities for students to accept Christ as their Saviour and create avenues for God’s Spirit to transform the students’ lives.

Albert Brathwaite

Family Life Ministries

Family Ministries focuses on people in a relationship. This ministry provides tools for couples, parents and children, single adults, and all other family members. The Department seeks to strengthen, inspire hope, and bring healing to marriages, families, and individuals through the abundant love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Prepare families for the Kingdom of God to help hasten the coming of Jesus Christ.

Men's Ministries

The Conference’s Men’s Ministries encourages and emphasizes developing relationships in and among men for the furthering of the gospel. It also promotes, admonishes, and supports men in their walk with Jesus Christ, especially in their struggles. The ministry also provides a range of activities targeted to bring together men.

To help all men become true to God and serve the needs of the men of the church.

Visit Men's Ministries Page

Health Ministries

Victoria De Coteau

Health Ministries

The Health Ministries focuses on the promotion of good health and a healthy lifestyle which is an integral part of the mission of the Church. The ministry focuses on helping men and women reach their full potential, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The department also sponsors temperance and health evangelism and other outreach programs.

To demonstrate the gospel of Christ illustrated, the message of God is practised.

Health Ministries Online

David Holder


The Ministerial department focuses on empowering ministers and ministry staff to lead individuals, families, and churches to share and provide hope to the churches & the community. The Office is also responsible for equipping pastors and those involved in ministry to achieve their highest personal and professional potential.

Spiritual growth & maturity, evangelism & church growth while strengthening and supporting the ministry team family.

Ministerial Website

Lyndon Lewis

Publishing Ministries

The Church promotes the view that the Publishing Ministry is one of the timeless methods of spreading the gospel. This work is done through Literature Evangelists and others. We believe the publishing work was ordained to play an important role in sharing about Jesus Christ through the medium of print.

To proclaim, through print media the Gospel of Hope to the whole world in this generation.


Wayne Andrews

Public Affairs & Religious Liberty

PARL’s (Public Affairs and Religious Liberty) main area of focus is to educate our members about their religious rights and to assist them in cases where these rights are stifled or denied The department promotes and maintains religious liberty, with particular emphasis upon the liberty of conscience.

To support the rights of new and existing Adventist believers to express their religion without hindrance as governed by local laws.

Sabbath School

Deborah Ferreira

Sabbath School

The Sabbath School exists not only to minister to its members but to train its members to minister to others. Sabbath School is a special time for the study of the Word of God. The Sabbath School is a school of Christian living helping to equip members for ministry and is not just an event on Sabbath mornings.

To make disciples for Christ and to nurture spiritual growth in members and prospective sabbath school members.

Music Ministry

Welcome to the Music Ministry Department at the South Caribbean Conference! Our purpose is to glorify the Name of the Lord through the powerful medium of music. Here’s what you need to know about our vibrant ministry.

Music Ministry Page

Youth Ministries

Wayne Jeffrey

Youth Ministries

The Youth Ministries works for and through the youth. Its primary focus is the salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. This department fosters youth ministry, leads youth to understand their worth and discover and develop their spiritual gifts and abilities and equips and empowers them for a life of service to the community.

To lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship.

SCC Youth Ministries website

Paul Philbert

Field Secretary & Vice President for Planning and Development

The Field Secretary provides a service to the corporate church. Besides advising the Administration, the Field Secretary also provides inter-departmental assistance and cooperates with the departments in several projects and ventures.

The role of planning and development entails strategic foresight, resource allocation, and systematic implementation to achieve predetermined goals for growth and progress.


Inskip Richards

Assistant to the President with a focus on Evangelism and Conference Evangelist

The Evangelism Coordinator manages the evangelism thrust of the local conference and aids the pastors and church leaders in providing resources, and fresh ideas for the preaching of the Three Angels Message, the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ, and His imminent Second Coming.

Glenda Thomas

Glenda Alleyne-Thomas

Assistant Treasurer

Lana Small

Lana Small

Assistant Corporation Manager

Lester Mitchell

Lester Mitchell

Associate Publishing Director

McLawrence Duncan

McLawrence Duncan

Conference Auditor

Selma Charles

Selma Baptiste-Charles

Possibility Ministries (APM)/Occupational Health and Safety

Teelbaney Singh

Director Global Mission/CURF/Voice of Prophecy

Judy Haynes

Judy Haynes

Human Resource Manager

Lisa Boucaud-Bramble

ECCE Director & Assistant Education Director

Sheldon Moore

Sheldon Moore

Associate Communication Director – Emphasis on Technical Operations

Deborah Ferreira

Deborah Ferreira

Music Coordinator

Gideon St. Bryce

Gideon St. Bryce

Public Campus Ministries/Chaplaincy/Prison Chaplain

Public Campus Ministries